A Fiji Government Website.

Official website links end with .gov.fj

Government agencies communicate via .gov.fj websites (e.g mcttt.gov.fj)

Secure websites use HTTPS

Look for a lock (🔒)or https:// as an added precaution. Shared sensitive information only on official, secure websites.


This is a website under purview of Ministry of Trade Co-operatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications

Government agencies communicate via .gov.fj websites (e.g mcttt.gov.fj)

A Fiji Government Website.


Under section 6(4) of the Investment Act 2022, “Foreign investors must report and update information regarding the foreign investors’ investment to the Investment Fiji”. The report must be in accordance with Investment (Foreign Investors Reporting) Regulations 2022.

This form must be filled within 3 months from the date of business or company incorporation from the date the foreign investor entity is incorporated in Fiji.

*required fields

"*" indicates required fields

1. Entity Information

DD slash MM slash YYYY
f) Tax Identification Number:*
Investor Name
% of Shares/Ownership
Country of Citizen/Incorporation

2. Commencement Plan

(The Investor to indicate the activities undertaken and activity planned towards establishment of their business in Fiji)*
Expected Date

3. Level of Investment, sales and Employment realised in the financial year

Total Investment

Total Remittance

Total Sales

Fiji Citizen (Full-time)

Fiji Citizen (Part-time)

Foreign Citizen (Key Post)

Foreign Citizen (Time Post)

4. Constraints Faced/Encountered

4. Constraints Faced/Encountered
Issue (Description)

5. Additional Important Information and Requirement for Applicants (to be provided with this FIR Form)

Max. file size: 50 MB.
* You may upload all your PDF documents as a single zip file with the applicant's name as the filename eg. John-Doe.zip


WARNING: Providing false information to the Government is an offence under the False Information Act 2016. If you are found guilty of providing false information to the Government, you may be fined up to $20,000 or sentenced to imprisonment for up to 10 years.
(Please specify)
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Talk to us TODAY.

You will be surprised, how easy we have made it for you to start or grow your business in Fiji.

Talk to us, we are ready to listen, and delighted to engage.

Please be advised that we are currently conducting maintenance on the SABS Account Creation/Registration.
Our team is actively addressing the issue, and we are working diligently to restore full functionality as soon as possible. Users with SABs accounts are unaffected and can continue to apply for e-services on the platform.
Any inconvenience this may cause is highly regretted. We appreciate your understanding and patience during this time.

Welcome to FILPAS

Fiji Integrated Licenses and Permits Application System